Eras Zombie Invasion
Eras Zombie Invasion is a custom WC3 game that depicts humanities struggle against the zombies who invade from Asia. I will cover PR's creation which covers Eras Zombie Invasion 0.83.1, Eras Zombie Invasion 0.83.1b, and Eras Zombie Invasion 0.83.1c.
As a human player you get gold/wood every 60 seconds depending on how many markets/lumber mills you have currently. Foundations can be upgraded to markets and lumber mills, and also can be upgraded multiple times to increase income. The best method of gaining income is actually massing, and then upgrading. When I say "massing" I mean building many foundations and upgrading, instead of upgrading a small number of markets/lumber mills.
Hero Mode:
Hero Mode can be activated by channeling it on your hero. Hero mode gives income based on how much time has passed since the start of the game, also allows your hero to summon peasants as an ability. Only activate hero mode when you only have a small amount of income left, if you are able to rebuild do not activate. Hero mode denies the ability to make/upgrade markets and lumber mills. Hero mode income is also drastically lower than what you can get by making income.
Betrayer Mode:
Betrayer Mode can be initiated by typing -bm at any given point in time. In betrayer mode one human is selected to join the zombie team (Russia, and Turkey are exempt), the betrayer gains three abilities, the ability to create a zombie shrine with a peasant, the ability to -ally zombies, and is granted vision of the zombies. The zombies also are granted vision of the betrayer. If you see someone building a zombie shrine unally and kill them. If you are the betrayer keep low until you can guarantee a victory. Betrayer Mode is only recommended if either the zombies are on a lower difficulty or the human zombies are struggling.
The humans are granted many units to fight against the zombies, here are the valuable units among them.
Militia Barracks: Pro Fighters/Clerics, pro fighters and clerics are one of the most strong combos early game, they can hold most zombie events and can push against the zombies at level 1 and early level 2.
Shooting Range: Every unit in the shooting range is typically fairly well, even though not tanky mass ranged can shred and push against large amounts of zombies.
Barracks: the barracks has quite the assortment of units, the most powerful being trench infantry/blunderbusses. Blunderbusses are easily the most overpowered unit early game, blunderbusses have a short range and medium HP, but have an AOE attack that can shred level 1, 2, 3, stalkers, sneezers, and gore crows. Blunderbusses can also push against lvl 2's along with early lvl 3's. Trench infantry are more expensive and require more tech but have higher damage and health. Trench infantry are good for their range, damage, and attack speed. They can push against zombies lvl 3's if massed.
Modern Barracks: the modern barracks hosts an assortment of infantry that are typically fairly useful. The most powerful of the modern barracks would have to be these units: MOD Troopers, Snipers, and Grenadiers. MOD Troopers have a decent hp pool and have very high attack speed good damage and decent range overall great units. The snipers have the longest range in the game and have a critical strike passive, can almost beat any infantry if it has vision. Grenadiers have long range with high damage, they have a medium attack rate, but have an AOE attack. Grenadiers are great for pushing zombies.
Garrisons: feature the best infantry in the game, the best 3 are railrifles, eradicators, and toxic troopers. Railrifles have the fastest attack rate in the game while having decent hp and great damage. Overall great troops. The eradicators feature high AOE damage with great armor and hp, the only downside is that their range is extremely short. The toxic troopers are very similar to eradicators, but boast higher hp, armor, and more damage. The toxic trooper also explodes on death making them unable to be infected, very good versus late game zombies. Next we will cover vehicles/air units for humans.
Vehicle Factory: we have many different variations of tanks I will cover what I think is the most effective vehicles. Early game cannons and balistas are very useful for clearing out early level zombies, their downside is that they have insanely low hp. Usually the tanks towards the middle tech are avoided in most play throughs in favor for the higher tech tanks. Main battle tanks and heavy tanks are the most effective tanks in the game. Both boast high hp, high armor, high damage, and slow attack rates. Main battle tanks in mass can hold versus almost any zombie composition. If your walls have fallen consider massing main battle tanks to ward them off and ultimately push.
Airbase: The air units are very different from each other. The first air units is very slow and has a slow attack right, and is not worth the investment. The 2nd air unit is the cobra assault copter. The cobra assault copter offers a medium range high damage AOE attack. This copter also boast a mini-gun that automatically shoot zombies nearby. The last unit and probably one of the most expensive units to get in the game is the combat wraiths. Combat wraiths boast the highest damage in the game with around 100k chaos damage with a fairly high attack speed. Also has a greater range than the cobra assault copters.
The zombie arsenal can be very scary at times, here is each type, it's purpose, and it's counter.
Level 1: These zombies are the basic form of zombies, they typically are very weak compared to almost any human unit. Countering them is fairly easy getting pro fighters/clerics and or archers can push and defend against these.
Level 2: These zombies are still fairly basic, but have considerably higher hp than level 1's. They also have higher base damage. In order to counter them usually mass heavy crossbows or most early guns can push versus them. Blunderbusses are a great counter versus these.
Level 3: These zombies escalate the zombie threat significantly, boasting hp, damage, and has the ability to swim. In order to counter these zombies your best shot is mass blunderbusses paired with trench soldiers can push them back if upgrades are low.
Level 4: These zombies are a significant threat to you, they boast a huge hp and attack increase. The proper counters include mass modern infantry such as grenadiers, mortars, and MOD troopers. Some medium tanks could help with it. These zombies are very hard to push against.
Level 5: These zombies are the highest level of zombies. Just like the other zombies before they include hp and damage buffs. These zombies have the ability to blow up upon explosion making a lot of infantry/vehicles useless. In order to counter them you can either a. decide not to kill them and stick with high durability plus concrete or b. mass toxic troopers or main battle tanks. These two units are some of the only units able to survive a level 5 explosion.
Special Types:
The zombie arsenal also has special types of zombies with different uses.
Sneezers: A deadly special zombie type pre robotics, they can two shots peasants behind walls causing your walls to not be able to repair due to lack of workers. The proper counter to this is early guns blunderbusses especially get the job done. Also getting robotics can almost prevent there effect entirely.
Stalkers: These special zombies have siege damage which obliterates walls. Even if you think your wall durability will hold versus them do not be deceived. Best counter is blunderbusses and early guns.
Lumpies: These very tanky zombies can duel almost any early on unit that humans can throw at them. Also deals massive amounts of damage. In order to counter them you either need wall durability of at least 6 to hold or high dps gunners including trench soldiers and or blunders.
Gore crows: These flying zombies are very similar to sneezers with low range and lower damage. The only scary part is if massed up can kill robots/peasants. These enemies are fairly easy to kill, blunderbusses will do the job their AOE damage one shots all air within the area.
Maulers: An upgraded version of the stalker has insanely high siege damage and when fully upgraded can break max durability human walls. The only trade off is that their fairly weak. Countered by almost any gunpowder unit with decent damage also mortars will do the trick.
Blood Cultists: This zombie is an upgraded version of the sneezer having more hp, damage, and range. Usually purchased after zombies gained level 5's making them harder to kill. Mortars and high level infantry will do the trick.
Flesh Giants: The upgraded version of the lumpy, this zombie has the highest hp pool in the game has massive damage can target air units and can break max durability walls. Probably the strongest zombies in the game. In order to kill these you need mass high tech infantry such as railrifles and toxic troopers or mass main battle tanks, or mass air wraiths.
Every single country in the game and zombies can be run by AI, but here's a run down on the AI's strategies. AI zombies typically upgrade level 1 zombie attack to around 3-4. For level 1's. After getting level 2's it is only a matter of time before they get one of the first tier zombie specials sneezers/stalkers/lumpies. Level 2's stalkers and sneezers can be held by blunderbusses while lumpies need around durability 6 when they are researched. Level 3's don't give that much of a threat low wall durability will hold them along with blunderbusses. Level 4's are when basic zombies get kind of scary robotics/concrete is recommended versus these. Level 5's require concrete and robotics with high wall durability to hold make sure not to kill them whenever possible their explosion damage can take a toll on your walls. The AI after level 5's will get gore crows/bloodcultists/maulers/flesh giants. Gores prove little to no threat if you have blunderbusses behind your worker line. Bloodcultists require stationary mortars to kill them while avoiding level 5's with attack ground. Maulers/Flesh giants require high wall durability killing maulers is also very easy. Fleshgiants can only be taken down with mass toxic troopers/main battle tanks.
Country Guides:
Red - Sweden
Blue - England
Teal - Russia
Purple - Italy
Yellow - France
Orange - Spain
Green - Turkey
Pink - Poland
Grey - Germany
Difficulty: Normal
Advantages: Huge land mass, relatively easy to defend, lot's of wood, and Thor guards strong early units.
Disadvantages: A zombie event inside base, water entrance if wood is cut down, and relatively close to frontline.
Strategy: As Sweden your goal is to mass income and to research cure and or get air. Here is how you play sweden in the early game. First off you start with little to no gold income, getting up markets and lumberjacks as soon as possible to start boosting your economy is essential.
Walling: You have three starting entrances when you start here is how you wall each of them. Your starting entrance near Russia it's recommended to kill his market and then wall like this.
Your west and southern entrances of the water need to be walled like this:
If you are cutting your northern wood make sure to stop before you cut open the water entrance as shown in the photo.
In order to hold your zombie event you need 1. Clerics Infantry Discipline 2, Weapon Tech 2. And 2. Thor guards which are trained at Stockholm which require Infantry Discipline 4, and Weapon tech 2. Do not using your viking axemen they are extremely weak and will feed the zombies. Keep in mind to move your lumberjacks/peasants away to prevent infection.
This finishes up the guide to Sweden, in order to hold each zombie types simply look at the unit counters and incorporate it into the strategy.
Difficulty: Normal
Difficulty: Hard
Advantages: Large land mass, Siberia available, lot's of wood, high starting income.
Disadvantages: Frontline nation you have to focus wall durability over spamming economy. Once Turkey is breached and or Sweden you have to defend 8 entrances.
Strategy: Your main goal is to stall for Europe as long as possible, if Turkey falls your southern entrances off and try to survive to end the game.
Difficulty: Normal
Strategy: Mass air or get cure tech for everyone, taking Africa to expand your income is your highest first priority.
Difficulty: Easy
Advantages: Very strong hero, far back from the frontline, gains Canada, and doesn't have any event.
Disadvantages: Very small income space, tree lines are very fragile if you need to wall yourself off, receive little to no troop events that have any effect.
Strategy: Provide support with your hero and troops to frontline of Europe, help all events that occur in Europe, also try to hold America.
Difficulty: Normal
Advantages: Good country size, good special units (Conquistadors), receives mexico a fairly easy defended land mass, and has very favorable walling on the mainland.
Difficulty: Hard
Advantages: Biggest starting landmass, easy to wall, 4 entrances later in the game. Access to huge amounts of wood and highest starting income.
Disadvantages: Frontline nation and lacks wood within the actual country.
Strategy: Your main goal is to stall as long as you can for Europe, if Russia or a country within Europe falls isolate yourself and mass economy and try to end it.
Difficulty: Easy
Difficulty: Easy
Eras Zombie Invasion is a custom WC3 game that depicts humanities struggle against the zombies who invade from Asia. I will cover PR's creation which covers Eras Zombie Invasion 0.83.1, Eras Zombie Invasion 0.83.1b, and Eras Zombie Invasion 0.83.1c.
As a human player you get gold/wood every 60 seconds depending on how many markets/lumber mills you have currently. Foundations can be upgraded to markets and lumber mills, and also can be upgraded multiple times to increase income. The best method of gaining income is actually massing, and then upgrading. When I say "massing" I mean building many foundations and upgrading, instead of upgrading a small number of markets/lumber mills.
Hero Mode:
Hero Mode can be activated by channeling it on your hero. Hero mode gives income based on how much time has passed since the start of the game, also allows your hero to summon peasants as an ability. Only activate hero mode when you only have a small amount of income left, if you are able to rebuild do not activate. Hero mode denies the ability to make/upgrade markets and lumber mills. Hero mode income is also drastically lower than what you can get by making income.
Betrayer Mode:
Betrayer Mode can be initiated by typing -bm at any given point in time. In betrayer mode one human is selected to join the zombie team (Russia, and Turkey are exempt), the betrayer gains three abilities, the ability to create a zombie shrine with a peasant, the ability to -ally zombies, and is granted vision of the zombies. The zombies also are granted vision of the betrayer. If you see someone building a zombie shrine unally and kill them. If you are the betrayer keep low until you can guarantee a victory. Betrayer Mode is only recommended if either the zombies are on a lower difficulty or the human zombies are struggling.
The humans are granted many units to fight against the zombies, here are the valuable units among them.
Militia Barracks: Pro Fighters/Clerics, pro fighters and clerics are one of the most strong combos early game, they can hold most zombie events and can push against the zombies at level 1 and early level 2.
Shooting Range: Every unit in the shooting range is typically fairly well, even though not tanky mass ranged can shred and push against large amounts of zombies.
Barracks: the barracks has quite the assortment of units, the most powerful being trench infantry/blunderbusses. Blunderbusses are easily the most overpowered unit early game, blunderbusses have a short range and medium HP, but have an AOE attack that can shred level 1, 2, 3, stalkers, sneezers, and gore crows. Blunderbusses can also push against lvl 2's along with early lvl 3's. Trench infantry are more expensive and require more tech but have higher damage and health. Trench infantry are good for their range, damage, and attack speed. They can push against zombies lvl 3's if massed.
Modern Barracks: the modern barracks hosts an assortment of infantry that are typically fairly useful. The most powerful of the modern barracks would have to be these units: MOD Troopers, Snipers, and Grenadiers. MOD Troopers have a decent hp pool and have very high attack speed good damage and decent range overall great units. The snipers have the longest range in the game and have a critical strike passive, can almost beat any infantry if it has vision. Grenadiers have long range with high damage, they have a medium attack rate, but have an AOE attack. Grenadiers are great for pushing zombies.
Garrisons: feature the best infantry in the game, the best 3 are railrifles, eradicators, and toxic troopers. Railrifles have the fastest attack rate in the game while having decent hp and great damage. Overall great troops. The eradicators feature high AOE damage with great armor and hp, the only downside is that their range is extremely short. The toxic troopers are very similar to eradicators, but boast higher hp, armor, and more damage. The toxic trooper also explodes on death making them unable to be infected, very good versus late game zombies. Next we will cover vehicles/air units for humans.
Vehicle Factory: we have many different variations of tanks I will cover what I think is the most effective vehicles. Early game cannons and balistas are very useful for clearing out early level zombies, their downside is that they have insanely low hp. Usually the tanks towards the middle tech are avoided in most play throughs in favor for the higher tech tanks. Main battle tanks and heavy tanks are the most effective tanks in the game. Both boast high hp, high armor, high damage, and slow attack rates. Main battle tanks in mass can hold versus almost any zombie composition. If your walls have fallen consider massing main battle tanks to ward them off and ultimately push.
Airbase: The air units are very different from each other. The first air units is very slow and has a slow attack right, and is not worth the investment. The 2nd air unit is the cobra assault copter. The cobra assault copter offers a medium range high damage AOE attack. This copter also boast a mini-gun that automatically shoot zombies nearby. The last unit and probably one of the most expensive units to get in the game is the combat wraiths. Combat wraiths boast the highest damage in the game with around 100k chaos damage with a fairly high attack speed. Also has a greater range than the cobra assault copters.
The zombie arsenal can be very scary at times, here is each type, it's purpose, and it's counter.
Level 1: These zombies are the basic form of zombies, they typically are very weak compared to almost any human unit. Countering them is fairly easy getting pro fighters/clerics and or archers can push and defend against these.
Level 2: These zombies are still fairly basic, but have considerably higher hp than level 1's. They also have higher base damage. In order to counter them usually mass heavy crossbows or most early guns can push versus them. Blunderbusses are a great counter versus these.
Level 3: These zombies escalate the zombie threat significantly, boasting hp, damage, and has the ability to swim. In order to counter these zombies your best shot is mass blunderbusses paired with trench soldiers can push them back if upgrades are low.
Level 4: These zombies are a significant threat to you, they boast a huge hp and attack increase. The proper counters include mass modern infantry such as grenadiers, mortars, and MOD troopers. Some medium tanks could help with it. These zombies are very hard to push against.
Level 5: These zombies are the highest level of zombies. Just like the other zombies before they include hp and damage buffs. These zombies have the ability to blow up upon explosion making a lot of infantry/vehicles useless. In order to counter them you can either a. decide not to kill them and stick with high durability plus concrete or b. mass toxic troopers or main battle tanks. These two units are some of the only units able to survive a level 5 explosion.
Special Types:
The zombie arsenal also has special types of zombies with different uses.
Sneezers: A deadly special zombie type pre robotics, they can two shots peasants behind walls causing your walls to not be able to repair due to lack of workers. The proper counter to this is early guns blunderbusses especially get the job done. Also getting robotics can almost prevent there effect entirely.
Stalkers: These special zombies have siege damage which obliterates walls. Even if you think your wall durability will hold versus them do not be deceived. Best counter is blunderbusses and early guns.
Lumpies: These very tanky zombies can duel almost any early on unit that humans can throw at them. Also deals massive amounts of damage. In order to counter them you either need wall durability of at least 6 to hold or high dps gunners including trench soldiers and or blunders.
Gore crows: These flying zombies are very similar to sneezers with low range and lower damage. The only scary part is if massed up can kill robots/peasants. These enemies are fairly easy to kill, blunderbusses will do the job their AOE damage one shots all air within the area.
Maulers: An upgraded version of the stalker has insanely high siege damage and when fully upgraded can break max durability human walls. The only trade off is that their fairly weak. Countered by almost any gunpowder unit with decent damage also mortars will do the trick.
Blood Cultists: This zombie is an upgraded version of the sneezer having more hp, damage, and range. Usually purchased after zombies gained level 5's making them harder to kill. Mortars and high level infantry will do the trick.
Flesh Giants: The upgraded version of the lumpy, this zombie has the highest hp pool in the game has massive damage can target air units and can break max durability walls. Probably the strongest zombies in the game. In order to kill these you need mass high tech infantry such as railrifles and toxic troopers or mass main battle tanks, or mass air wraiths.
Every single country in the game and zombies can be run by AI, but here's a run down on the AI's strategies. AI zombies typically upgrade level 1 zombie attack to around 3-4. For level 1's. After getting level 2's it is only a matter of time before they get one of the first tier zombie specials sneezers/stalkers/lumpies. Level 2's stalkers and sneezers can be held by blunderbusses while lumpies need around durability 6 when they are researched. Level 3's don't give that much of a threat low wall durability will hold them along with blunderbusses. Level 4's are when basic zombies get kind of scary robotics/concrete is recommended versus these. Level 5's require concrete and robotics with high wall durability to hold make sure not to kill them whenever possible their explosion damage can take a toll on your walls. The AI after level 5's will get gore crows/bloodcultists/maulers/flesh giants. Gores prove little to no threat if you have blunderbusses behind your worker line. Bloodcultists require stationary mortars to kill them while avoiding level 5's with attack ground. Maulers/Flesh giants require high wall durability killing maulers is also very easy. Fleshgiants can only be taken down with mass toxic troopers/main battle tanks.
Country Guides:
Red - Sweden
Blue - England
Teal - Russia
Purple - Italy
Yellow - France
Orange - Spain
Green - Turkey
Pink - Poland
Grey - Germany
Difficulty: Normal
Advantages: Huge land mass, relatively easy to defend, lot's of wood, and Thor guards strong early units.
Disadvantages: A zombie event inside base, water entrance if wood is cut down, and relatively close to frontline.
Strategy: As Sweden your goal is to mass income and to research cure and or get air. Here is how you play sweden in the early game. First off you start with little to no gold income, getting up markets and lumberjacks as soon as possible to start boosting your economy is essential.
Walling: You have three starting entrances when you start here is how you wall each of them. Your starting entrance near Russia it's recommended to kill his market and then wall like this.
Your west and southern entrances of the water need to be walled like this:
You can wall here if you want to keep your building area pretty small, just use a town or tech center
If you follow this strategy make sure not to cut your northern wall all the way.
If you are cutting all your wood in your northern area I would recommended destroy these towers and walls to give you more room for income.
If you are cutting your northern wood make sure to stop before you cut open the water entrance as shown in the photo.
In order to hold your zombie event you need 1. Clerics Infantry Discipline 2, Weapon Tech 2. And 2. Thor guards which are trained at Stockholm which require Infantry Discipline 4, and Weapon tech 2. Do not using your viking axemen they are extremely weak and will feed the zombies. Keep in mind to move your lumberjacks/peasants away to prevent infection.
This finishes up the guide to Sweden, in order to hold each zombie types simply look at the unit counters and incorporate it into the strategy.
Difficulty: Normal
Difficulty: Hard
Advantages: Large land mass, Siberia available, lot's of wood, high starting income.
Disadvantages: Frontline nation you have to focus wall durability over spamming economy. Once Turkey is breached and or Sweden you have to defend 8 entrances.
Strategy: Your main goal is to stall for Europe as long as possible, if Turkey falls your southern entrances off and try to survive to end the game.
Difficulty: Normal
Strategy: Mass air or get cure tech for everyone, taking Africa to expand your income is your highest first priority.
Difficulty: Easy
Advantages: Very strong hero, far back from the frontline, gains Canada, and doesn't have any event.
Disadvantages: Very small income space, tree lines are very fragile if you need to wall yourself off, receive little to no troop events that have any effect.
Strategy: Provide support with your hero and troops to frontline of Europe, help all events that occur in Europe, also try to hold America.
Difficulty: Normal
Advantages: Good country size, good special units (Conquistadors), receives mexico a fairly easy defended land mass, and has very favorable walling on the mainland.
Difficulty: Hard
Advantages: Biggest starting landmass, easy to wall, 4 entrances later in the game. Access to huge amounts of wood and highest starting income.
Disadvantages: Frontline nation and lacks wood within the actual country.
Strategy: Your main goal is to stall as long as you can for Europe, if Russia or a country within Europe falls isolate yourself and mass economy and try to end it.
Difficulty: Easy
Difficulty: Easy
I'd love it if you finished this
ReplyDeleteMan you don't know anything about effective walling. Sweden has very good entrances because you can build efective walls there,which allow to have 1,5-2 times more workers repairing the wall a a time,you just have to place them correctly and you'll be able to hold maulers and flesh giants with high upgrades. There aren't many passages that can be protected by effective walls,but they can become almost inpenetrable. Also you forgot to mention how to counter tier5 zombies+crows(you must have range units but you mustn't damage tier 5 zombies right next to your walls),which is why so many players lose in late game. The answer are fire troopers placed near walls with Hold,that have your walls in their 350 attack range,so that they cant attack zombies attacking your wall but will kill the crows that will try to kill your robots. Of course you can do the trick with longer range units if you have a lot of space,but most countries don't have it. In addition sweden event can be held for a cheaper price by surrounding zombie spawn point with walls and killing the zombies with archers/longbowmen,which can be then sent to push off tier 1-2 zombies from easy gold gain from attacking walls or even start pushing them. I saw once Russia pushed zombies with longbowmen a few minutes after game started,but nobody supported her so in the end zombies pushed back and killed everyone with tier 3. Actually zombie are extremely weak,3 good players playing poland,turkey and russia can rush and destroy zombies before they can do anything without any support from other european countries.